Thursday, December 16, 2010

Andy, Jesse, Neve and Sam.

I have been so excited about posting these pictures. I LOVE this family.

But first, a backstory...

Hope Haven Children's Clinic and Family Center is a non-profit organization which specializes in serving young adults and families with a variety of educational and mental health needs, (autism, Down syndrome, etc...)

(You can learn more about Hope Haven @

For the last few years I have donated some of my handcrafted jewelry to their annual silent auction. This year, however, I donated a photography session.

Jesse and Andy were the big winners...and these are their photographs!

I LOVED this photo session. It was my first time photographing strangers and when I look back at the pictures I can tell that we were strangers in the first few shots...

But it did not take long for us all to become acquainted and warm up to eachother. There is a lot of love in this family, and I really loved being able to spend this time with them. I'm learning how lucky I am to capture these moments more and more everyday.

Who couldn't use a little more exposure (photography pun!) to love?

I love the sibling love in these...they were very sweet together.
And I think Neve might have a little modeling in her future...the camera loves her.

Thanks, guys!


The Restaurant Directory December 16, 2010 at 8:08 AM  

Beautiful shots, Brooks!! So glad things are going well :)


About This Blog

Brooks Wilder Photography was founded in 2010. Working out of Jacksonville, Florida, Brooks fell in love capturing beautiful moments on film. Brooks offers unique photography sessions for family, maternity, newborn, engagement, etc. portraits.

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